Ancillary Orders: Page 10
Posted December 21, 2015 at 06:00 am

Illustrated by Tauhid Bondia  • • Tumblr •

Written by Ryan Estrada • • Tumblr • Twitter •


Turn out the lights!

Tauhid did a lot with just two colors.

OH MAN I posted a thing on Friday but the link was broken! Let's try that again!

Hey! After more than a year of writing, casting, rehearsing and scheduling, the very first piece of final audio was recorded for Big Data (the Broken Telephone spin-off radio drama). With a full weekend of recording scheduled, my "final audio" folder is about to stop looking so empty. Here's a brief clip! I will neither confirm or deny my cast until the show is done, but maybe you can recognize the well know podcast superstar featured in that clip?


You can binge-read Broken Telephone from beginning to end at The HivemillSellfy, or Comixology.

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