Ancillary Orders: Page 16
Posted December 29, 2015 at 06:00 am

Illustrated by Tauhid Bondia  • • Tumblr •

Written by Ryan Estrada • • Tumblr • Twitter •


That's a wrap, on Ancillary Orders, and for Aru! Goodbye, Aru. You never actually did or said anything. But you will be hailed as a hero.

Tauhid is my hero for making this chapter look so great.

You guys. YOU GUYS. (THAT WAS A GENDER NEUTRAL USE OF GUYS) We have one chapter left. That's it! Just one more story! Can you believe it? We're almost to the ending!

So tune in tomorrow, when Matt Cummings will tell us what ever happened to that tattoo wearing, shark hacking, revolution ruining Lao, in.... Disengaged by Matt Cummings!


You can binge-read Broken Telephone from beginning to end at The HivemillSellfy, or Comixology.

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