Illustrated by Elias Ericson • Tumblr • Espaced •
Written by Ryan Estrada • • Tumblr • Twitter •
Gecko is nosey as heck.
I know a lot about having points on your license cuz I used to have a LOOOOT of points on my license. Sure, they were all for driving 5mph over the speed limit, but I got busted for driving 5mph over the speed limit A LOT. I was eventually banned from driving after 11pm, but then I moved to Korea and magically my driving record got better. But now I live in places with beautiful timely cozy public transportation, and who needs to drive. Driving is dumb.
Tune in tomorrow for a new page, or you can skip the wait and binge-read Broken Telephone from beginning to end at The Hivemill, Sellfy, or Comixology.