Threat Language: Page 11
Posted June 30, 2015 at 04:00 am

Illustrated by Amanda Lafrenais  • • Twitter •

Written by Ryan Estrada • • Tumblr • Twitter •


Sanjay was a real guy too. I didn't give Amanda a picture of him or anything, the only direction I gave her was "Indian Ron Swanson"

HEY! Two different Broken Telephone artists have Kickstarters right now! First of all, Rachel Dukes, who drew our very first chapter is kicking Frankie Comics! You can get lots of comics and a plush doll of her cat! And since I'm a bum I didn't notice until right now, the VERY LAST DAY! 

Also, KC Green, who drew Shark Hacking, is kickstarting the final volume of his comic Gunshow. It's a big ol' 400 page book! Holy butts! You got a month on that one though so don't freak out or nothin'.

You can binge-read Broken Telephone from beginning to end at The HivemillSellfy, or Comixology.

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