Threat Language: Page 8
Posted June 25, 2015 at 04:00 am

Illustrated by Amanda Lafrenais  • • Twitter •

Written by Ryan Estrada • • Tumblr • Twitter •


This is totally how Citigroup's firewalls worked back when I worked there. I registered and it made it through. At first I used it just to upload comics to read at work. Then I made a full-blown copy of my site so that my coworkers could read MY comics. Later, when I left India, I set up a 2 way contact form so that I could chat with my then-girlfriend while she was at work. Sure, HYPOTHETICALLY this was supposed to be an ultra-secure computer and at any moment she could have copied and pasted the social security numbers of every single person who ever used a Citibank service, but what ya gonna do.


You can binge-read Broken Telephone from beginning to end at The HivemillSellfy, or Comixology.

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